Would you like more support and to work with us on a one to one basis? We offer a full food safety consultancy service too. (and you get our one to one expertise when writing your HACCP plans…)
We can advise on any aspect of your food business operation, both practically on your operational procedures and create HACCP plans, carrying out a full hazard analysis of your food business operation. We will create the necessary procedural documentation and bespoke monitoring forms, tailored to your exact business requirements.
Dependent on the scope of your operation, you may well require more than one HACCP plan to ensure your entire product range and the scope of your operation is fully encompassed.
The benefits of choosing food safety consultancy.
- We will come and visit you at your food business site, so we can see and advise you, first hand directly on your food business’ needs.
- We work on a project basis, so you can manage your budget effectively.
- You will have a clear completion date from us, so you can meet any external deadlines you may have. (subject to you doing what you need to do, as well as us),
- Your results will be specific to your food business needs, often created from scratch.
- Using our consultancy service, your allocated consultant will liaise with your EHO or FSA enforcing officer as required, as necessary to ensure we are all singing the same tune…
Email us at answers@haccpanswers.co.uk with an outline of your specific requirements required from our consultancy, and a suitable time when you can receive a call from us.